Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It is 36 The New 40 "?


▷▷▷It is 36 The New 40 "?

Have you noticed a difference in the sizes of trousers recently? For years, people have the size to buy the clothes she responsible for determining the actual size they are and when they get or have lost weight. But it turns out, is that the size of jeans you wear are not necessarily the best way to determine whether you win or lose pounds and inches. With the advent of "Vanity Sizing" if you win your life in inches, you can still wear 36 "pants. On the other hand, ifThey lost a few pounds, you can drop your waist size of 34 or lower!

Good Morning America recently ran a piece that one of male producers compare visiting shops, which were the difference in the sizes of jeans. Waist circumference was in Levis, Gap, Zara and Banana Republic, one of the best tailors in New York City hired to check the real life. Levis came to 36.5 "Following the acquisition of a 36, Zara to 37" in Gap 38 "Banana Republic, and was 38.5".

During 'This study also examined the results GMA Esquire. They were among the first to study the so-called "vanity" of life. Esquire said that 36 "Dockers were actually 39.5" and Old Navy with 5 "wide in most in their 36" allows pants. I'm shopping at Old Navy!

The reasoning is that men are more likely to buy the alleged "small" size pants, the perfect way to perfect. women would, in service in a heartbeat and probably. Although it is not a nameMark, when a woman goes to the store and tried on two different outfits, it is likely that the smaller size is to buy until it fits. Who would not want to say, can a 8 / 10 instead of 12/14, or half of a large wear instead?

Some of the companies justify the difference in size, denying the theory of "vanity." Banana Republic claims, for example, that the pants are designed to sit high on the side, rather than natural life, then whythe difference in inches. Gap has said publicly that it can not be compared because each scaling operation for a different target customer is doing. This means that his interpretation, Levi according to their target customers in a specific area? I do not think so.

The truth is that people wear the pants in a different way, bring a little deeper and some said the navel at any time, but that should not make a difference in the waist. If noteveryone to be able to go buy the pants "off the shelf", and we know that a standard size, they should fit? If you require producers, living a life and sides of a call Hip? It does not follow that if someone has a bigger size pants, they tend to do what needs to be done in order to lose weight to buy? In some cases, you can win a full 5 "and I keep thinking of wearing a 36" waist. Of course you must look in the mirror or a lot on the scale,but can not ultimately be deceived and should not be allowed.

This practice and the lack of standardization makes it difficult for us all. How to order online if you can not be sure of the size you should order? It means that you have to try the clothes every time you buy a different brand? Men questioned during the recording of this segment felt deceived and disappointed that the producers had their vanity Catering, instead of "Keeping It Real."

Rat Zapper

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