Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rat Zapper discount for intelligent customer


▷▷▷Rat Zapper discount for intelligent customer

In this article I'll share with you how to get a Rat Zapper off and share a few comments, which I found during my research. In these reviews you will discover some tips to improve to get rid of your problems every success in rodents.

My house is a popular resort when the mouse.

Eric talks about a house that he and his family found out during their first autumn, and his house has been moved to a popular resort for the world of the mouse. He spent years trying to quitAnnual invasion. He uses all the usual ways. Snap traps, glue traps, poisons, and finally a year, is not easy to disturb. Eric said he was exhausted by previous tests. Of course, no longer went very well with his wife.

Then he found the Rat Zapper and I decided to try it. He said: IT WORKS! And he caught 6 mice in the first 48 hours.

It does the job.

This review is pretty long, so I'm just some suggestions I found in this listto verify.

Wear disposable gloves when handling the trap. You do not want to leave the broadcast. Peanut butter is a good bait. Place the trap where you see the rodents and their droppings. If rodents do not go for the bait to try to understand what they know about feeding, as food for dogs. One customer said he had mice in the attic, but they were the bait. Then he finds out more on dog food in the fat garage. He put the dog food in a basket, and then triggered the trapDog food right there in the garage. He started very quickly.

So, how do you get a Rat Zapper discount.

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You cando all this work and have to go through a large number of sites that sell this product or find someone who already has done a great job, and see what they found.

Rat Zapper

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Monday, June 27, 2011

As for the Rat Zapper rodent control


▷▷▷As for the Rat Zapper rodent control

Opinions about the effectiveness of electronic monitoring of rodents are very different, as most users who do not live up to the promise in "infomercials" made. But the Rat Zapper has ensured the success rate in eliminating rats and mice had, as it uses a patented electronic technology to deliver a fatal electric shock that kills instantly. The ultrasonic waves and ultra repel rodents are more likely to temporarily interfere with the natural order and oftenFields. The Rat Zapper Classic Rat Zapper Ultra and the other side, represent no danger of interference and are activated only when the rat or mouse completes the circuit when reaching the bait.

In the case of conventional traps, it is important that each species is the cause of the problem, right before the device can be used to recognize, but the Council Zapper both rats and mice. The Ultra has a larger room that can accommodate bigger rodents. The Council may Zappersis placed inside and outside work depending on the infestation and its battery, portability is not a problem. Every normal foods dry pet is comfortable to use to lure the rats into the device. The rats are sometimes able to take the bait without loading the usual traps and even some of those free electrons, but the Rat Zapper mechanism is activated immediately after handling rodents and opportunities of escape with a free meal is equal to zero.

It is not always necessaryMonitoring of the Rat Zapper to manually verify a control, since it is equipped with a highly sensitive tracker. At the moment, a rat is killed, a red light flashes to show the room and then can be emptied directly into the trash without even the carcass.

In the event that the device must be an out-of-scope position, can be used for the council of the valley, a remote monitor that comes with flashing red eyes and a cable is connected from 12 yards. How electric shock does not leaveburdensome and bloody meat into the trap snap trap or glue, it is much easier to have dead rats and clean it if necessary. The Rat Zapper thus provides a clean and humane way to control the threat of rodents.

Rat Zapper Battle Station is the ultimate answer to the invasion of rodents in large houses, warehouses, storage and services such as restaurants and bakeries. It 's like a regiment of Rat Zapper monitored from a single location. Some leaves areused according to the necessities of war. The wireless transmitter of the tracker panel monitor has a range of about a football field and configured so that a check mark in the electricity supply does not affect it for over an hour. In addition to her performance made the assurance, the Rat Zapper and packaging with recycled materials and designed so that the product as a safe choice for the environment in rodent control.

Rat Zapper

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rat Zapper - Eliminate all your rodent problems


▷▷▷Rat Zapper - Eliminate all your rodent problems

In fact there is something that a home or office that will always be squeaky clean. But there is something else, provided you have the squeaking of rats, which decided to colonize the property. The main concern, that any person anywhere, stays inside, he is to ensure that it is safe in every respect. Rats are a threat to the security to be carriers of the disease, are a danger to health and hygiene, can damage household items and food and areHarassment in general. Rat Zapper is ten years in the field of rodent control devices available, but their effective mechanism of choice for those looking for a humane pest and stress-free ends won.

First, the species of rodents, which must be identified for attack. Since the problem of rats and mice infestation has always been there, some dating back to the methods of control through the centuries. The most common is the mousetrap or Rattrap and modelsas the spring type or snap-and live-catch cage rats have a very simple mechanism and has a single location, most likely to attract a hook to be positioned. But in contrast to the high technology Rat Zapper, this does not work for rats and mice and often leave a trail of blood and gore, which must be cleaned.

Glue traps are designed primarily for indoor use adhesives and natural or synthetic, for catching rats. However, as death is relatively high in thisWhen the method is used by animal rights activists opposed. The inverted bucket to drown rats in water and adding a surfactant in water relieves the pain. Poisoned bait has been in practice for a long time. But it usually takes a couple of days to leave the house and take the poison effect is not sure if there are children or parasites are also nearby. But none of these methods are actually human, and someone should really troubled by the suffering seek other alternatives, such as the CouncilZapper, in which immediate death.

Ultrasonic rodent control devices are not brutal and the work of issuing high-frequency sound waves to beat high for human ears, but insect repellent. But the downside is that rodents can almost always return after a few days, and the sound of high intensity can be harmful to humans and pets. The electrical device such as the Rat Zapper instead delivers a deadly shock of electricity when in contact with rodentstinder dry, around the circle. It is clean and immediately killed and the remains can be easily emptied into the trash.

The Rat Zapper is safe and environmentally friendly because they produce no sound or very high frequency magnetic waves, which often interfere with the fields already natural. However, after choosing the most appropriate method for the control and elimination, it is necessary to adopt the measures necessary to maintain the house and protected from rodents to control the infestation again.Remove all possible entry points and nesting pockets will help to ensure that the mice do not become your home a place of welcome.

Rat Zapper

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Museangreb er aldrig godt

Smart Mouse Trap - Humane Mousetrap

  • No Poison or Glue
  • Safe around Children and Pets
  • Reusable Humane No Kill Mouse Trap
  • Endorsed by Humane Societies and Animal Rights Organizations in the U.S. and Worldwide.
  • An Effective, Patented Mouse Trap

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 24, 2011 08:20:15 Check Update

Hvem ønsker at indrømme, at en mus angreb? Men de kan ske for selv et velholdt hus. Mus køre indendørs dækning fra rovdyr, de elementer eller til mad. Desværre, mus også bringe de farer af sygdom, herunder Hantavirus. Hantavirus Pulmonal syndrom er en dødelig sygdom hos mennesker kan kontrakt, når de kommer i kontakt med inficerede mus ekskrementer eller urin. Selvom det er sjældent, er det dødbringende. Ud over truslen om sygdom, har mus været kendt for at gnave sig igennem elektriskeledninger, der begynder hus brande. Den bedste form for beskyttelse og forebyggelse af sygdom og muse-forårsaget elektriske brande er rottebekæmpelse.

De afslørende tegn på museangreb

Det er den piler af små fødder i væggene. Eller lyden af ​​gnavende eller knirkende. Der er skader på mad eller andre materialer i huset. Og endelig, tilstedeværelsen af ​​musen ekskrementer, som er 1 / 8 til 1 cm i længden og mørke og pegede i begge ender. Hvis du har en af ​​disse tegn, chancerne er, duhar selv en mus angreb. Heldigvis er der måder at bekæmpe de ubudne gæster.

Museangreb er aldrig godt

Rottebekæmpelse til bekæmpelse museangreb

Der er flere metoder til bekæmpelse af mus angreb, fra den sunde fornuft sanitære foranstaltninger til den mere detaljerede musen fælder. Fordi mus kan overleve i meget små områder med begrænsede mængder af mad, selv de reneste bygninger er ikke muse-bevis, hvis de opbevare fødevarer. Selv om gode sanitære forhold vil reducere sandsynligheden for en mus angreb, vil det ikkeeliminere mus. Og, dårlige sanitære forhold øger dine chancer for at musen skadedyrsangreb.

Sørg for at opbevare fødevarer korrekt, i glas, metal dunke eller andre genlukkelig, lufttætte beholdere. Rene områder udsat for fødevarer ofte er at sikre krummer ikke efterladt for at tiltrække disse ubudne spisende gæster. Og uanset hvor maden opbevares, forsegle alle åbninger større end ¼ tommer til at holde mus ude. En god måde at lukke hullerne er blande ståluld med caulk. Må ikke overse åbninger i fundamentet, omkringvandrør, ventilationskanaler, vinduer eller døre. Skærme bør kontrolleres for at sikre korrekt montage.

Når du har en mus angreb, er du nødt til at tage skridt til at fjerne den mus. Der er en række af fælder til rådighed. De kan opdeles i to hovedtyper: catch and release eller dræbe fælder. Catch and release fælder anbefales ikke, da en gang frigivet udendørs, kan musene finde deres vej tilbage til dit hjem. Også håndtering af mus udsætter dig til de risici der er forbundet med dem.

Kill fælderspænder fra standard foråret frigivelse til de mere avancerede elektroniske sort. Spring fælder arbejde ved at knuse de mus til døden. Ofte er processen langvarig og resulterer i et rod at rydde op. Lim fælder arbejde ved at lokke musene til den klæbende overflade, hvor de ikke kan undslippe. Overarbejde, de mus dør af dehydrering, sult eller eksponering.

Nye elektroniske musen fælder give en hurtig død og rod-fri oprydning. Mus indtaste den fælde, hvor de er chokerede og øjeblikkeligt dræbt. Kroppen erfaldt ind i en skuffe. Den mest effektive og nemmeste at bruge elektroniske musen fælder kan lagre op til 10 organer, før det skal deponeres. Når fælden er åbnet, den chokerende mekanismen er deaktiveret, hvilket er grunden til dette er en mere sikker måde at fjerne mus. Andre fælder løbe risikoen for at skade kæledyr eller børn, eller endda dine fingre, når den fastsætter dem.

For at holde din familie sikker, er elektroniske fælder anbefales. Yderst effektiv til at fjerne en mus angreb, de er også nemme at brugeog humane for mus.

rat zapper infrared ultra Smart Mouse Trap - Humane Mousetrap

  • No Poison or Glue
  • Safe around Children and Pets
  • Reusable Humane No Kill Mouse Trap
  • Endorsed by Humane Societies and Animal Rights Organizations in the U.S. and Worldwide.
  • An Effective, Patented Mouse Trap

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 24, 2011 08:20:19 Check Update

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rat Zapper - The latest update of assessments


▷▷▷Rat Zapper - The latest update of assessments

The technology is currently undergoing rapid evolution so that what is "new" future is now 'obsolete'. Rodent control is not something that has remained unchanged from the latest know-how and the change is an improvement in every aspect. Zapper rats have introduced high-tech in rodents and control mechanism allows a humane and orderly eliminating rats and mice. Ask anyone who has suffered from a severe infection and he will be able to testify that the problem persiststo a sharp pain, piercing, can be achieved through the total elimination.

As a not only a trend in a conscious and interested parties are limited, but a survival requirement for all crying. It is not surprising that, while continuing to be the methods of rodent control, such as snap traps and poisoned bait to draw and use glue traps, electronic devices have gained a decisive advantage over them. A chance discovery by Robert Noe, and now produced byRat Zapper Agrizap his company has given up in twelve countries worldwide acceptance by the United States was the original Rat Zapper Classic through the development of the Rat Zapper Ultra large has been completed, and both models use patented electronic technology to a fatal electric shock kills rodents immediately deliver contacted. Rat Zapper Battle Station is an advanced system of individual units that are designed to make rodent control needs of large homes and businesses wasStructures. It 'easy to use and can be placed in remote locations and still pursued by the Council of the Valley, which is a cable connection.

Two advanced electronic pest control methods include ultrasound, ultra-magnetic, and both have seen for some users, but unlike the Rat Zapper, which applies an electric shock, use ultrasonic devices and ultra-high-frequency magnetic waves and electromagnetic waves, respectively. These have a repellent effect of the first rodent, butalmost always after a while ', if the units are turned back. Ultrasonic waves can also refer to pets and humans. Rat Zapper does not interfere with the natural fields in the environment and the electricity is turned on only when the rodents close to the circuit.

Rat Zapper has appeared in various magazines, newspapers and television stations and has received positive reviews. The Wall Street Journal and has highlighted the vision of Robert Noe in the creation of a "sexy"Section, as he called it. Wired magazine, including the" Mousetrap coolest gizmos in the universe "Sky Mall, and even present in its annual marketing conference. The device is equipped with a History Channel documentary on rodents and NBC's "Today Show" appeared.

Testimonials from satisfied customers are pouring in customer service every day in the Rat Zapper. He has prepared a technical support team to answer questions and resolve, if necessary, and can be sent by e-mail or a contact telephone888-Dead-Rat. In accordance with the customs of environmental compatibility, advise customers Agrizap of machines that have served their purpose, and non-electronic recyclers have the "green thing".

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Rat Zapper


▷▷▷Rat Zapper

When mice, rats and other rodents from entering the house, there is a problem. They attack you, your pantry, ruining furniture and worst of all common diseases for you and your family. Conventional traps can be dangerous and often ineffective, but fortunately there is a new solution for retirement and old problem. Rat Zapper is an electronic trap to eliminate mice, rats and other rodents, without the limitations of conventional traps. More importantly, the product is safe to use youand your family.

Rat Zapper uses metal plates and to provide a battery system in a cage for a lethal dose of electricity to rodent invaders. When the rodent is the case, it completes the circuit that triggers the shock. The method is rapid and effective and humane than conventional spring traps. In addition, cleaning is easier, because shocking the rodent does not leave blood and guts. In fact, allows a locking rear dead rodents in the landfillRubbish, without ever having seen. The product also has a remote alert that informs you when the trap is activated. This function is very useful when placing the traps in inaccessible places. Instead of repeating himself in the arduous process of review of the case, you can simply wait for the remote monitor to shine.

Besides the convenience, Rat Zapper is also more secure than other methods and traps. Children and pets can not fit into the case and therefore can notbe injured by them. In addition, the dose of electricity is not being administered lethal for larger animals and humans. Sprung traps for mice developed a significant amount of energy. These traps are able to crush a rat spine and back, which also means that you are in a position that your fingers are. Children and animals that are injured are in contact with these traps. Although effective, poison bait is hazardous to children and pets.

For those of a human beingOption for the elimination of rodents of the opinion that Rat Zapper is the fastest method for killing these unwanted intruders. Other deadly traps to injure or trap rodents, while bleeding to death or even die of hunger. In addition, cage traps catch and release can be designed to be instruments of torture of hunger if not activated often. If you have a ranch home or office, Rat Zapper will offer convenient, reliable results.

Follow this link for more Rat Zapperinfo.

Rat Zapper

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Best Buy on Smart Mouse Trap - Humane Mousetrap

Smart Mouse Trap - Humane Mousetrap

  • No Poison or Glue
  • Safe around Children and Pets
  • Reusable Humane No Kill Mouse Trap
  • Endorsed by Humane Societies and Animal Rights Organizations in the U.S. and Worldwide.
  • An Effective, Patented Mouse Trap

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Big Deals on Better Mousetrap 6 Pack

Better Mousetrap 6 Pack

List Price: $14.95
  • Just Squeeze Trap Back to Set
  • Large Bait Area
  • No Blood
  • Trap Mice

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Big Deals Rat Zapper Classic Electronic Mouse Rodent Trap

Rat Zapper Classic Electronic Mouse Rodent Trap

Rat Zapper Classic Electronic Mouse Rodent Trap. RatZapper packaging and product are made with recycled materials. Rat Zappers utilize solid state electronics for years of reliable performance. Most homes and buildings will host a number of rodents, ba...

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 15, 2011 04:20:05 Check Update

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Big Deals on Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller Single Speaker Repels Rats and Mice

Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller Single Speaker Repels Rats and Mice

List Price: $19.95
  • Non Toxic Pest Control
  • Repels rodents in rooms up to approximately 800 square feet.
  • Operates on average on less than .20 cents per month.
  • Powerful 110db output as measured from one meter distance from the speaker.
  • Ultrasonic signal constantly modulates between 32 and 62 kHz so rodents cannot adapt!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 13, 2011 04:35:07 Check Update

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Simple ways to reduce stress


▷▷▷Simple ways to reduce stress

You have too much stress in your life? You know, that could ensure a high level of stress leads to health problems? In this article I will discuss some common causes of stress, the damaging effects of stress on health and some simple steps you can set up immediately to reduce stress.

According to the American Institute of Stress, it is estimated that 75 to 90% of all visits are stress-related problems among general practitioners. This is a disconcertingStatistics. We are constantly bombarded by stress at work, in our families, while driving in the car and heard the news, read newspapers and the list goes on and on.

It 'important that you learn what causes stress and develop your techniques, they begin to manage stress. If you do not want to take control of your stress is, they begin to consume your energy and cause serious health problems. Chronic stress has been shown connected: accelerated aging,Headaches, heart disease, increase the pressure to increase blood sugar levels in the blood, ulcers, stomach problems, skin disorders, depression, anxiety, asthma, arthritis and adrenal fatigue.

Stress is an important part of life for most people. We do not even realize that we are under stress. An important first step in order to have knowledge to handle stress, what causes stress and how do you react when you are under stress. For your awareness of stress, stress start a magazine. Recorda notebook, if you notice you are stressed, which led to stress and how to react if you were stressed. Some people find that when they eat they stressed, reach for alcohol, yelling at someone to be depressed or anxious, please indicate how to respond and write.

It 's easier to learn to manage and cope with stress if you know what causes you stress. After a week or two to record and manage stress, then you are ready to implementsome techniques to reduce stress.

Here are some simple tips you can do immediately to stress can be reduced:

1. Take time to take over a period of silence during the day. Silence your organs slow down, rest your brain and increase your awareness.

2. Holding on to anger or negative emotions to create a lot of stress. Begin to forgive people, may have violated the detention is in negative feelings towards someone else that create added stress.

3. DailyMeditation has been shown to promote a sense of inner peace. Meditating for less than 15 minutes a day to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

4. Deep breathing is an excellent stress management technique. A simple breathing technique to reduce stress and brings you into the present moment to breathe deeply, the number of 6, hold the breath for a moment and listen to the sounds around you breathe in the number of 6.

5. A great technique for stress reductionis to leave five minutes every few hours during the day. Picture your favorite beach or resort to escape the rat race is the idea of ​​short, but complete.

6. Eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, refined processed foods and caffeine.

7. daily physical activity has been shown to significantly reduce stress and can better manage stress.

8. Make sure you have compiled a nutritious, balanced diet with fresh fruitand vegetables, high quality protein, whole grains and healthy fats.

9. Studies have shown that laughter refreshes the heart. Laughter reduces stress hormones and stimulates the immune system.

10. Studies show that people who go there on holiday regularly have less heart attacks and report lower levels of stress and depression.

11. A good way to reduce stress, returns to his childhood and learn to play. Here are some crayons and draw a picture, rent your favoriteChildhood bubble or film. Have fun at the same time simple and watch your stress melt away.

12. Massage offers many health benefits. Massage improves circulation, reducing tension in the muscles, stimulates the release of pain-relieving endorphins and reduces stress hormones.

13. A simple way to relax and refresh, if you're under stress, is to close your eyes, cup your hands on them, but do not touch the eyeballs. Count to ten and then open your eyes.

14.colorful flowers have shown that increasing the feeling against stress and promotes relaxation. A simple way is to brighten your mood instead of a bouquet of colorful flowers nearby.

He began to experiment with some of the above tips and tricks to find ones that work best for you to reduce stress. If you wait to slow down life and less stress you will never change. Making small changes every week, and you will eventually reach your goals and reduce stress levels inProcess.

Rat Zapper

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Best review on Rat Zapper: Mice and Rat Trap

Rat Zapper: Mice and Rat Trap

List Price: $53.00
  • In Stock

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller 2 Pack . Repels Rodents, Rats and Mice


Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller 2 Pack . Repels Rodents, Rats and Mice Review

+Check Price Now!

  • Non Toxic Pest Control
  • Operates on average on less than .20 cents per month.
  • Repels rodents in rooms up to approximately 800 square feet
  • Ultrasonic signal constantly modulates between 32 and 62 kHz so rodents cannot adapt
  • Powerful 110db output as measured from one meter distance from the speaker
Our new line of ultrasonic pest repeller, the Rodent Repeller, broadcasts highly complex intense sound waves in the ultrasonic range. The intensity for a rodent is analogous to a jackhammer next to our ears, creating stress for the rodent. In the animal kingdom, a stressed rodent is vulnerable. Avoiding stressful environments is within the rodents biological survival strategy. The Rodent Repeller creates a hostile environment so rodents naturally will try to void it and avoid taking up residency and nesting in the space. Rats and mice pose serious health risks. Traps and poisons come with a heavy price. Poisons can endanger children and pets while inhumane traps require the handling of potentially disease-bearing rodents. Neither poisons nor traps provide long-term protection since more rodents will likely replace the ones you've killed. It can be an unending cycle. Our Ultrasonic or Electronic Rodent Repeller puts the emphasis on non-toxic prevention. Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers emit high frequency ultrasound between 32 and 62 kHz, creating an acoustically hostile environment that repels rodents from sound-protected areas, over the long term. Ultrasound is kinder than traps, safer than poisons, and inaudible to people and non-rodent pets. The physical properties of ultrasonic sound prevent ultrasonic sound waves from penetrating solid objects like walls and floors. Therefore it is recommended to place one rodent repeller in each room of the location being treated for rodents. Ultrasonic waves are highly directional and will bounce off of hard surfaces to fill an enclosed area with high intensity echoes. Hard surfaces are cement, brick, glass, tile, etc. Ultrasound is absorbed and dampened by soft surfaces, such as hay bales, feed sacks, stacked linens, etc. The RRS200 is one single speaker which broadcasts at a range of approximately 110db measured at one meter from the speaker

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

EHO visit? - Do not Panic!


▷▷▷EHO visit? - Do not Panic!

If you're a food company, you can receive a letter or a phone call from the Environmental Health Officer from your local authorities. Depending on the jurisdictions they are also known as a possible paramedics, doctors, environmental health officers or inspectors of public health.

The visit is one of several reasons:

i) routine inspection: it may be because there has been some time since its establishment last checked, or it may be becauseYour company's new

ii) Follow-up of control: as a way to verify that the problems found in a previous investigation, or following a complaint by a member of the public or employees have been corrected or are in the process of being corrected.

iii) sometimes EHOs visit a food establishment for other reasons, such as conducting investigations or consultation as part of a larger project

These are the most important tips to remember when you are asked to make an appointment with aEHO:

1. Do not panic! First, the essential requirements checklist:

1.1 The bathrooms are fully equipped and clean

2.1 In order to avoid all foods are clothing, including with headgear. We must spare clothing for the protection of staff and visitors including the EHO him / her.

1.3 Clean all surfaces, including cabinets and refrigerators / freezers

1.4 Ensure that sufficient air-tight container for holding food and left

1.5Make sure that the killers fly, rat traps and other pest control are fully functional and ready

1.6 Ensure there is adequate space and facilities to allow for proper separation of raw and cooked foods

1.7 Ensure that all kitchen utensils are not clean in use

1.8 Ensure that there is spare towels ready for use

Check all food handlers skills 1.9 Make sure that the information from this date and easily accessible

1.10 Make sure no food is on the floor or on atop-level range.

2. Temperature

2.1 Ensure that you have a thermometer and a thermometer, the ideal temperature of the surface. You can expect to take the temperature of food in various parts of the cycle as the time of delivery, while in the cold, or before preparing or shipping.

2.2. You may need to keep records of temperatures. If you have not kept such records have not attempted to establish his historical record. EHOs aregenerally very good at spotting this kind of thing and all that what you will do is lose their confidence. The best thing to do to start the recordings of the EHO today and say the truth, if requested, which was launched only the records because of the impending visit. Even if you have been tried, it would be an EHO is happy as a field to reflect the honesty and this can reduce the severity of the sentence.

2.3 Ensure that the maintenance records of all the refrigerators on hand. If you can not find, please contactEngineering and have been waiting for. You should be able to deliver a service, if necessary,

3. Pest Control

3.1 Ensure that contracts for pest control are current. Assess yourself on the parasite's last check-up and the contents of the report. Make sure that all points are required in the report.

3.2 Ensure that there are real insect screening on all open windows or doors

3.3 Check if you (or pest control), UV lamps last modified inFly killer machine. If this account for more than 12 months has been done, instead of an urgent order for more. Most companies sell fly killer, a surface during the night of the delivery of new lamps for the matter and that the replacement fly killers.

3.4 Ensure that fly with the murderers are shatterproof lamps, when you open the food preparation. Also, make sure the murderers are not fly directly to food

3.5 are not looking for signs of rodent infestation. If you have found, and the traps areWork, call the pest control company. Most comes from short-term

4. Budget

4.1 Checking your orders of cleaning supplies like antibacterial hand wash. The last thing you need is the implementation of these products when the EHO visits

4.2 provides a detergent should plan and some form of control, and records, to demonstrate that the cleaning and inspection was carried out

4.3 Ensure all cleaning chemicals are labeled. If all the labels have comeis to apply your label, you know, what it is, or disposal of the chemical responsible. Make sure that the cleaning of tools, clothing, chemicals and away from food and also ensure that the towels for food preparation areas is not mixed with a cloth and mop floor

4.4 Ensure that all food labeled and an expiration date, if necessary. It 'important that at least one person who knows the history of all food on site or premises. If the EHO is a full containerin the refrigerator as a "Mayo", without further information and no one can tell how long he or she was there or how it came to be there, then this is a black spot in front of your operation

4.5 Make sure bins are emptied before the full and that the waste must be collected properly covered in the company

5. Staff Training

5.1 You must keep an updated list of all employee training / certificates. It must be clear and easily accessible place. Againif you've just decided to start manufacturing the records have historical records. Apart from the fact that this action would probably be illegal if the intention was to be considered by EHO, would probably be noticed by the EHO and you should lose their confidence. The EHO would not be impressed that you had just started to keep records, but would be outraged if he had produced. It is recommended to treat the EHO than at any time.

5.2 Appeals to the formationRecords is only a part of history. Although all employees to manage the staff and food service products which have all been trained in the handling of food and have all your cards right, you still have a job as a cook, make sure to properly fulfill their duties. Time is short before an EHO visit, but you must ensure that every employee fully aware of what is necessary to meet the food needs managed. There's nothing worse than a representation of an EHOare complete set of training documents, while seeing a staff member who market meat raw with cooked meat in the refrigerator.

5.3 You must be firm on this issue. When a staff member will not come to class, you must ensure that they intensive training or consulting, and has also received formal disciplinary action. This must also be registered. In this case, if the employee has to do something special EHO that endanger food security, will still be some defense if you discoveredable to demonstrate a record of the action that you have already taken to deal with it.

5.4 You must ensure that employees are free from any disease or infection, endangering food security. You must ensure that a record is kept of these diseases (confidential personal record) and, if necessary mandate, should be relieved of duties of handling food, or even at home. Again, you do not have to decide, not the historical record.

5.5 Wash hands, hat, uniforms are clean and clothes are allextremely important. EHOs will be out for regular hand washing between tasks and want to make sure that the sterilized or disposed of regularly re-use towels instead. Hats / hair restraint is a crucial step for the food (even for those who have hair!), As this very visible and clear. A dirty uniform is also a significant problem and visible.

5.6 at least one member of staff (more if you have many employees), must be qualified to train otherhandling of food

6. Things you can not properly before the visit

6.1 Do you have interior window sills, not the slope? Write it

6.2 There are some cracks in tiles and in some walls and floors? There are cracks in the sink? Make a detailed understanding of these issues

6.3 If you close some windows or doors not working properly? Make a note

6.4 A couple of your employees are not fully trained in food handling? Give them other tasks for the day (away from food). If this isnot practical to offer in-house training for now and enter the training that they have and when it was implemented.

Until these problems in hand and have to minimize the to-do list, go down the likelihood of control EHO evil. If you've got an appointment with the contractor to the bars on the windows are tilted, cracked tiles repaired replaced, repaired doors and book have the training for employees, will hopefullycomply with the EHO, which in this case.

As I said, do not panic. Do not lie or falsify. Work in this list. Ensure that employees are fully informed of all issues and the importance of good EHO inspection. The EHO does not expect that a proper inspection. In fact, if you look at the pristine conditions and absolute perfection, which may be a bit 'suspicious. see what they want is the base well covered, such as hair, washed his hands made, the records and a list ofQuestions that are still under treatment, although only a "to do" list.

An EHO can visit some commercial benefit. Apart from the obvious failure to appear in court for a crime is that you are left alone to face your business. In some countries, where a "score-on-door work", an EHO inspection of success can bring in more business.

Rat Zapper

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bed bugs treatment - What you need to know to get rid of the pests for good


▷▷▷Bed bugs treatment - What you need to know to get rid of the pests for good

Treatment of bed bugs: When you find a problem with bed bugs, then it is one thing on his mind and only one.

It is an essential product ever invented? Everything possible. But then to say that someone just to deal with an infestation.

Bed bugs are a nightmare parasite. Most people would take cockroaches or mice, hands down, rather than a house full of bugs. The problem is that they are easy to remove so hard! Some peoplespend months or years trying to clear up a problem before they finally succeed.

If you do not want one of these unfortunate people are here, then you need to know to share your home bed bugs for good.

Do not Move

The immediate reaction of many people when they realize that it is a problem of bed bugs in a different room to move. But the wrong thing to do. As the hatred, the only way you go, the problem is contained and the place to stay.Move room and mistakes are safe driving, and the only problem worse.

Go Pro or Go Solo

Your two choices when it comes to bugs treatment is to go alone, hire a professional. If you want to go with a professional and then make sure you have a good tenant with a proven reputation for wasting your time and money. However, if the error even then you have to treat are some treatments to help you decide.

Find the best treatment

This is the hardest partfor most people. There are many treatments, the search for a suitable to be a real challenge. want to decide first if you have one, the basic chemistry or ecology. Some of them will be harmful to the animals and plants so you do not want to check.

Some will come with the conditions of preparation, such as cleaning the area thoroughly before treatment, while others may go directly to the affected area.

A good choice is the foodGrade diatomaceous earth. This is a soft white powder that can be placed around the house and is lethal for errors of any kind, but this usually is not used as a preventative measure as a treatment in itself.

Now get to work

Once you select a product, it's time to come to work, and this is where things can be really difficult. What you have to remember is that this is a struggle, and if you want, then you will win fight to keep your home, youbed bug completely free. To quickly give up and you will only waste time.

Rat Zapper

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cheap on Nooski Rat Trap, New Design Reusable Ring Trap, Safer, Cleaner, Easier

Nooski Rat Trap, New Design Reusable Ring Trap, Safer, Cleaner, Easier

List Price: $24.99
  • The trap used by professionals now available to the public
  • Includes 20 latex rings to catch 20 rats, use trap unlimited times with Nooski Refill Packs
  • Easy to set, no snapped fingers, safer for children and pets
  • The patented Nooski Rat Trap works every time, guaranteed.
  • Clean, no mess, no waste, more humane to rodents than most other types of traps.

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