Saturday, June 11, 2011

Simple ways to reduce stress


▷▷▷Simple ways to reduce stress

You have too much stress in your life? You know, that could ensure a high level of stress leads to health problems? In this article I will discuss some common causes of stress, the damaging effects of stress on health and some simple steps you can set up immediately to reduce stress.

According to the American Institute of Stress, it is estimated that 75 to 90% of all visits are stress-related problems among general practitioners. This is a disconcertingStatistics. We are constantly bombarded by stress at work, in our families, while driving in the car and heard the news, read newspapers and the list goes on and on.

It 'important that you learn what causes stress and develop your techniques, they begin to manage stress. If you do not want to take control of your stress is, they begin to consume your energy and cause serious health problems. Chronic stress has been shown connected: accelerated aging,Headaches, heart disease, increase the pressure to increase blood sugar levels in the blood, ulcers, stomach problems, skin disorders, depression, anxiety, asthma, arthritis and adrenal fatigue.

Stress is an important part of life for most people. We do not even realize that we are under stress. An important first step in order to have knowledge to handle stress, what causes stress and how do you react when you are under stress. For your awareness of stress, stress start a magazine. Recorda notebook, if you notice you are stressed, which led to stress and how to react if you were stressed. Some people find that when they eat they stressed, reach for alcohol, yelling at someone to be depressed or anxious, please indicate how to respond and write.

It 's easier to learn to manage and cope with stress if you know what causes you stress. After a week or two to record and manage stress, then you are ready to implementsome techniques to reduce stress.

Here are some simple tips you can do immediately to stress can be reduced:

1. Take time to take over a period of silence during the day. Silence your organs slow down, rest your brain and increase your awareness.

2. Holding on to anger or negative emotions to create a lot of stress. Begin to forgive people, may have violated the detention is in negative feelings towards someone else that create added stress.

3. DailyMeditation has been shown to promote a sense of inner peace. Meditating for less than 15 minutes a day to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

4. Deep breathing is an excellent stress management technique. A simple breathing technique to reduce stress and brings you into the present moment to breathe deeply, the number of 6, hold the breath for a moment and listen to the sounds around you breathe in the number of 6.

5. A great technique for stress reductionis to leave five minutes every few hours during the day. Picture your favorite beach or resort to escape the rat race is the idea of ​​short, but complete.

6. Eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, refined processed foods and caffeine.

7. daily physical activity has been shown to significantly reduce stress and can better manage stress.

8. Make sure you have compiled a nutritious, balanced diet with fresh fruitand vegetables, high quality protein, whole grains and healthy fats.

9. Studies have shown that laughter refreshes the heart. Laughter reduces stress hormones and stimulates the immune system.

10. Studies show that people who go there on holiday regularly have less heart attacks and report lower levels of stress and depression.

11. A good way to reduce stress, returns to his childhood and learn to play. Here are some crayons and draw a picture, rent your favoriteChildhood bubble or film. Have fun at the same time simple and watch your stress melt away.

12. Massage offers many health benefits. Massage improves circulation, reducing tension in the muscles, stimulates the release of pain-relieving endorphins and reduces stress hormones.

13. A simple way to relax and refresh, if you're under stress, is to close your eyes, cup your hands on them, but do not touch the eyeballs. Count to ten and then open your eyes.

14.colorful flowers have shown that increasing the feeling against stress and promotes relaxation. A simple way is to brighten your mood instead of a bouquet of colorful flowers nearby.

He began to experiment with some of the above tips and tricks to find ones that work best for you to reduce stress. If you wait to slow down life and less stress you will never change. Making small changes every week, and you will eventually reach your goals and reduce stress levels inProcess.

Rat Zapper

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