Thursday, July 14, 2011

ObamaCare cited as a reason for attending Health Insurance Premium Increases


▷▷▷ObamaCare cited as a reason for attending Health Insurance Premium Increases

Here we go again. Just as some of us could relax our strong opinions on the reform of our health care system and decided to swallow a little 'quieter, the bitter pill that we are now probably be forced to pay higher premiums than in the past.

Open Season is approaching as health insurance, some of the largest health insurance companies are already moving and asking for rate increases to fund their compliance with the health care reform by Obama. What? This was athe promises made, if this battle has begun! Health care costs, including premiums we pay for insurance would not increase, in fact, might be expected to go sometime. At most, they were expected to temporarily increase the amount of 1% to 2%.

Moreover, these big insurance companies are saying that these increases are individuals and small business people under the influence of a group plan with an employer large or covered by Medicare. Nopeople who are struggling to pay the insurance, should start small businesses and individuals?

Aetna, Inc. and Blue Cross / Blue Shield are two of the biggest, the implementation of their demands for higher premiums in the state regulators. Small airlines have also jumped on the train. For example, MMA, Mennonite Mutual Aid Association, based in Kansas, an increase of 4%, which is awarded health-care reform has asked. Celtic Insurance Company, whichWisconsin and North Carolina has asked for an increase of 18%, 9% are a direct consequence of the new health care mandates. ODS Health Plan of Oregon has required a huge 20.73%, with 6.01% is attributed to the health care bill. In almost all cases, the premium increase is justified by the growth of medical costs.

Somewhere around 9% of Americans purchase their health care alone, with that number expected to increase even more, because they are forced to buy supplies orfined. Give with a population of just over 300 million, or take a few hundred thousand, which means that almost 30 million people, the crisis of these increases in a time when they feel barely a roof over their head. Another 01:05 between health plans in small businesses, which covered less than 50 people, one of the groups, which are expected to use the victims of the fall of interest rates on the rise. 1:05 300 million corresponds to an additional 60 million people. So we're looking at 90Millions of people wearing the belt even more, must be able to afford health insurance. It is almost a third of the population of the United States!

The White House is saying that insurers are using the law as an excuse. They are also predicting that the government regulators to block some of the biggest increases, even though, as they know it's a mystery. They have a crystal ball or a seer in the White House staff? Nancy-Ann DeParle, top health officials in the White House saysthat "... the consumer will see through this." Does it really matter? How much control the consumer has in reality? There are only so many insurance companies and policies that meet the specific needs of each individual or family coverage, and you can bet that when the "big dogs" would be increased by a healthy rate, the smaller the health insurance do the same. And there is apparently little to do. Only about half the states have any kind of power increase, denying themselvesand those who must do to be fully justified in their refusal, almost impossible. Only a small number of insurers have cited the new mandates as the reason for lower rates. HMO Colorado is one. You are a Blue Cross / Blue Shield Plan WellPoint, Inc., has submitted a letter to the Colorado state regulators stating that "small group" prices would fall by 1.8% on October 1.

So it seems that once again, the state may need to intervene, but also the useto do just that? This situation has been created in Washington against the will of the majority of the people, and it seems that Washington must do something, or many members of their points in the coming November elections, losing as a result.

In the meantime, you should be better to find out where shortcuts in the family budget, once again, to pay for future increases in health insurance premium.

Rat Zapper

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